This really made me think about all those politicians who go along to get along. We have to hope they will be in the room and ready to step up if necessary. Great perspective.

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Thank you for the comment, Nora.

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Charles, this is so on the money I don't know what else to say.

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Thank you very much for the kind words, Jill.

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Holy shit!! You just completely altered the way I see….

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I appreciate the reaction—Thank you, Trilety.

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The angels of our better selves exist within us, but pain, abuse, bitterness, and other wounds drown out the angel’s voice. And yet, even in fascists and totalitarians, sometimes the angel’s whispers are heard, the conscience revives a little, and something brave and ethical can happen. But I fear it’s a rare thing.

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Thank you for the comment, John.

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